
This terms sheet outlines the details for a 5-day all-inclusive trip available for booking from May 27th 2024, with the trip dates set for December 5th to 10th, 2024. 

Trip Details

Destination: Habana, Cuba.

The trip includes

  • 24/7 local guide support.
  • Specialise touristic guidance during the whole time.
  • 3 meals per day in different locations.
  • Accommodation in local houses for 5 nights.
  • Transportation to the main activities.
  • Entrance/ticket for all the activities in the program


  • Flights to and from the destination.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Visa expenses.
  • Personal expenses (e.g., souvenirs, additional activities outside the planned itinerary).

Pricing and Payment Terms


  • Total Price: $ 3,500.00 per person
  • Deposit: $ 500.00 due at the time of booking
  • Remaining Balance: To be paid in 4 equal installments of $750.00 each

Payment Schedule:

  • Deposit: $ 500.00 due at the time of booking
  • First Installment: $ 750.00 due by 1 month
  • Second Installment: $ 750.00 due by 2 month
  • Third Installment: $ 750.00 due by 3 month
  • Fourth Installment: $ 750.00 due by 4 month
  • Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods include credit/debit card. 

*Because of the Embargo, we cannot use any of the traditional payment systems for online transactions. Tropipay is an innovative and 100% trustworthy alternative system that facilitates online payment for Cuban businesses.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation by Traveler:

  • Deposits are non-refundable as all initial deposits go into escrow and towards each traveler’s room voucher (this is a fee paid to our international partners for room confirmation for each traveler & cannot be refunded).
  • If you request to cancel a booking more than 60 days prior to the first day of the scheduled trip, we will refund 100% of the amount paid, excluding the deposit.
  • If you request a cancellation between 30 and 60 days prior to the first day of the scheduled trip, we will refund 50% of the amount paid (minus the deposit).
  • If you request cancellation of the reservation within 30 days before the first day of the scheduled trip, the penalty is 100%.

Cancellation by Organizer:

  • Full refund of all payments made if the trip is canceled by the organizer due to unforeseen circumstances.

Additional Terms and Conditions

Booking Confirmation:

The booking is confirmed upon receipt of the deposit.


Travel Documents:

Travelers are responsible for ensuring they have valid passports, visas, and other necessary travel documents.


Health and Safety:

Travelers must obtain appropriate travel insurance covering health, accidents, and emergencies.

Compliance with health and safety regulations at the destination is mandatory.


Itinerary Changes:

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the itinerary for reasons including but not limited to weather conditions, local events, or other unforeseen circumstances.



The organizer is not liable for any personal injury, loss, or damage incurred during the trip unless caused by the organizer’s negligence.


Force Majeure:

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure is as a result of Acts of Nature (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalization, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service.

By booking this trip

By booking this trip, travelers agree to these terms and conditions. For further inquiries please contact beyondrootscuba@gmail.com.

Contact Information:

Beyond Roots Experiences

Email: beyondrootscuba@gmail.com

Phone: +53 5 3972560

Web: www.beyondroots.net 

Note: All prices and terms are subject to change. Please refer to the latest terms sheet provided by the organizer at the time of booking.