Babalu-Aye (Obaluaye): The Compassionate Orisha of Healing and Afflictions in Yoruba Spirituality

Beyond Roots - Afro Cuban Culture | Trip Planning & Experiences | Babalu-Aye (Obaluaye): The Compassionate Orisha of Healing and Afflictions in Yoruba Spirituality - Beyond Roots is your Key to Cuba;. Connect with Afro culture and identity. Plan your Trip to Cuba | Best Experiences | Visit our Online Shop

In the intricate cosmology of Yoruba spirituality, Babalu-Aye, also known as Obaluaye, emerges as a compassionate and enigmatic Orisha associated with healing, diseases, and the intricate balance between affliction and recovery. Revered as a healer and protector, Babalu-Aye holds a significant place in Yoruba culture, symbolizing the complexities of health and the need for compassion in the face of affliction.